So the posts on here have been few and far between. Sorry to anyone who really cares. I suppose having three blogs can be tricky in keeping them all updated, so to be fair, I just don't keep any of them updated. Truth be told though, I really have enjoyed this whole blogging thing, especially my Storytelling Around the Fire, which is exclusively for family and friends. I'd really like to get more posts up, so here I am - on the record, no less - saying that I will try to be more consistent. Make sure you take notice on the way that word try is italicized. Don't hold me to it, because I'm sure to disappoint. I don't know if I slack so much because I'm so busy; I think it's more that I'm spending my down time on other things. For instance, just this month I taught myself to knit. I learned from the Internet, and you better believe I was squinting my eyes at those instructions and racking my yarn twisted brain. I'm a show me kinda gal, and reading how to knit was quite perplexing and frustrating. I happen to have a Mother who lives just a few blocks away that could have easily shown me how to knit. But it was a bit late into the night and I was determined to learn right then (By the by, I decided to pick up knitting after seeing the great things that this gal was making on her blog. I thought, "Wow, she makes clothes that I'd totally buy in a store...maybe I can do that too!"). When I finally figured it out, I was up until three in the morning pearling and kitting a bit feverishly. I sat there with my eyes an inch from the knitting needles with my teeth clenched and my shoulders tense. I had to ask myself, "Isn't knitting supposed to be relaxing?!" Just a few days after that episode, I purchased Stitch 'n Bitch from Barnes and Noble. Reading that book has proved less like translating the hieroglyphs I encountered when trying to learn online. So far, I have knitted one scarf and am now doing my second. It is ribbed and I love it already. Not because it's so great, but because I am making it - me oh my! I think I love knitting and I'm so excited to learn more. I've already signed up for a beginners sock class at a local yarn shop here in town. My own socks made by me! I think I'll make all of our socks from now on. OK, maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I guess I should just attempt making one (hopefully followed by another) first and seeing how that pans out. Anyway, I'm super elated about the whole endeavor, if you couldn't tell. Any of you knit out there? I'd love to hear about what's on your needles! I've been busy with a few other things too, lately, but I'll post about those things soon - I'll try that is.
Here's the start of my second scarf - ribbed with a knit 2 pearl 2!